Other Turtle Discussion :: Adoption.... Kansas City

Non-care related topics here.

Post Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:02 pm   Adoption.... Kansas City

I have a 5 year old red eared slider named Myrtle. We believe he is a boy, but are not 100% sure. He is in good health, and is aprox 5-6" big.

Unfortunately with my husbands upcoming deployment we feel we won't be able to adequately care for him, as my daughter and I will be staying with other family members a lot and won't always be here. Also we recently moved into a new home and Myrtle is living in the family room in the basement. Unfortunately until our new windows are installed we are having trouble keeping that room a steady temp., and therefore Myrtles water an ok temp. We had a heater down there but that created a lot of green Algae, which caused issues too.

He lives in a 75 gallon aquarium, with rocks on the bottom, plants to hide in, and a sunning area. He eats turtle pellets and snacks.

His aquarium is 4 feet wide, and about 4 feet tall (including nice black wooden stand), and 18 inches deep. He will come with a submergable pump, heater, sunning light, and all other things in his tank.

His tank and stand alone cost over $200.

We are asking for $125 obo with everything included.
However if you have a home that Myrtle could live in happily he is up for adoption.
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Joined: Oct 11, 2009

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