Tank size is 20 gallons (he's grown a lot in just a year's time).
He has a filter and his water is from a filtered well. Occasionally I'll put algae control solution for fish in the water when I noticed green starting in the corners of the tank or on his basking rock.
I clean his tank once a week.
He has a UVB light and a basking light that are on a timer.
His tank water stays around 72 degrees and under the basking light is around 85 degrees.
Here's where I think I went terribly wrong. I feed him every day. We never transitioned from daily feedings to a couple of times a week and he will literally beg for food at feeding time by "flapping" his arms in the water to get my attention. This is the only time he ever does that and I assumed it was because he was hungry.

Please advise!