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My Baby RES(<1y/o) wont eat anything except mealworms!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:17 pm
by realbosy
I have gotten 4 RES a month back, they are doing healthy, but they only eat mealworms, i’ve tried leaving them in the feeding tub with only lettuce and parsley for an hour in the feeding tank but they show no interest in it at all. Anyone can help me with this? they seldom eat pellets. is there something wrong with them?
their current set up:
49L storage box
Eheim Classic 150
UVB+UVA Lamp 14hr/day
lava rock bottom with lava rock basking area
28 deg celcius water heater

they still like to bask under the heat regularly, but they just don’t show any interest in the greens or anything else!

Re: My Baby RES(<1y/o) wont eat anything except mealworms!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:47 pm
by steve
If they are otherwise healthy, you just need to stop and don't give in. They will eventually accept veggies and a new diet. If any of the turtles are males, you might have to keep them individually in a separate enclosure. On some occasions, females need separation from each other too.