The temps in her enclosure range from about 78F on the rock under the lamps to 70F on the other side. It used to be warmer with the MVB. Her eyes and breathing are good. I have given her cuttle bone, I'll try again. Right now she has one of these: ... agpspn=pla but she hasn't touched it. I have tried all kinds of fruit including strawberries and blueberries and she wouldn't even try it but I will keep offering it. I tried all kind of greens that I give to my Dragon & Russian tort too but she doesn't look at them. I gave her things they are supposed to love, squash, tomato, she won't taste it. I try putting the worms or reptomin on top and it doesn't work. I know superworms aren't a great staple but it was honestly the only thing I could get her to eat and now she won't eat them either

I tried ordering phoenix worms online but no one ever seems to have them in stock. I tried both red wigglers from the pet shop and night crawlers from the bait shop and she didn't bite. There is only ONE store in my area that carries (sometimes) horn worms, and they charge $1 a worm. I tried them anyway, but she didn't like them either. I've tried to get different shops to order silk worm, Phoenix worms etc, they all say they will try but no one ever does. The only things I can get locally are Crickets, Superworms, Mealworms and Wax worms. Crickets just run away from her and she doesn't catch them. I will try wax worms again. I tried box turtle pellets and box turtle canned food, she won't eat those at all but she did eat my aquatic turtles reptomin. I figured that at least has some plant material in it so I gave in and let her have it. I soaked her in warm water and took her outside for some real sun yesterday but she still didn't eat, but she drank. Today she is awake so maybe that is a good sign. It's overcast but I will give her another bath to warm her up and try and feed her again. I have some canned pumpkin I am going to put a little right on her beak to try and get her to taste it. I am going to buy her a new bulb as soon as I can. I have a herp vet I used when my dragon had worms, but they were a dog & cat vet that occasionally saw reptiles. They treated Vlad's parasites well enough, but it seemed to me the whole office was a little too excited to see a if they didn't actually see them that often, you know what I mean? I am not convinced they have the experience to deal w/ this. There is another vet 45 minutes away I have heard good things about, but I have to check and see if they will see a box turtle ...I should be able to scrape together the money for a bulb soon, but I won't have the money for the vet until I start my new job

I really feel terrible, I know "you shouldn't have pets if you can't pay to care for them" but I HAD a job when I got her, I lost it due to getting sick
