Urgent Care :: skin loss after hand injection

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Post Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:18 pm   skin loss after hand injection

Our 10 year old RES was recently treated for Flukes. The doctor didn't think she had them, but thought the treatment was mostly harmless so decided to give her 2 muscular injections of droncit. Her first injection was fine, but her 2nd caused her front right leg to be somewhat crippled. Here is a video showing her fully extending her front left leg but keeping her front right leg close almost like limping, just in the water.


We took her to another vet who did an xray and claimed that her bones were fine, but she was likely just swollen from a somewhat botched injection. We have just been keeping an eye on it, but today it looks like her skin is starting to peel off around the injection site.


We want to keep it clean while it heals. Any advice on what we can use to keep this large patch of exposed muscle not infected?

Here is the basic info:

How big is your turtle? Full grown female (i think 2 to 3 Lbs but I have not weighed her recently)
How long have you had it? 10 years

What is the water temperature? 73 F
Did you use a thermometer? Yes
Are you using a water heater? Yes
How much water is in there? 20 gal
Are you using a water conditioner? No
Are you using any filtration? Yes Aquatop CF400UV

What is the basking temperature? ~85F, no thermometer so hard to tell
Is there a basking light? Yes, this is the only thing that increases the temp above ambient
Is there a basking platform that is easy to climb on? Yes, but harder with her injury
What kind is it or what is it made out of? Acrylic
Is there a UVB light? Yes

What have you been trying to feed it? Reptomin floating food sticks and zoomed aquatic turtle food growth formula
When was the last time your turtle ate? Yesterday. She eats in a separate tank and eats just fine

How big is the tank/pond/enclosure? 40 gal breeder tank
Is the tank near a window? Yes
Is the tank in a room with a lot of activity? Yes

Have you read the Basic Care section? Yes
Have you searched the forums for similar situations? Yes

Is there any other unusual activity/symptoms? No
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Post Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:40 am   Re: skin loss after hand injection

Keeping her out of the water will probably help it the most, though there is a big difference if it's just some skin peeling or if there is muscle/tissue exposed. If that is the case, then she needs to go back to a vet immediately.
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