Other Turtle Discussion :: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the ...

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:00 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

I saw Milo for the first time at a friends house, sitting in a bed of plants. He'd had me over to see his monitors, and showed me a tiny baby turtle just for fun. He was the sweetest little thing I'd ever seen. My friend asked if I wanted him, and I definitely did. I had to talk to my boyfriend first, though. I went home and asked him if he could get a turtle, and that I knew of one that needed a home. He was vague about whether he was ok with me bringing him home, so I tried plan B. I made a PowerPoint presentation about the reasons why we needed a turtle. After my presetstion and a little begging, he gave me the ok to bring home Milo, and complete our family. :)
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Post Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:48 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

That must have been a pretty cool presentation!
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:02 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

it was pretty fun to make! i explained that if we ever come across toxic waste, well be covered, since hell turn into a mutant super ninja. and i also touched on the fact that Rocky had turtles, and whos more manly than that? XD
either way, who can say no to a powerpoint? :P
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:28 am   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

we went for our second trip to a local repitile show. and we knew the type we wanted. we found a boothe that had some, and in the corner were 3 little fellas stacked on each other with the one on top trying to climb out of the container. so since they seemed buddy buddy we took all 3 home in a hummus dish. though we had to go ask another boothe to put air holes in lid since the guy who sold us them forgot too. took them home and stuck them in the fish tank with the turle dock and heat lamp we had gotten the week prior. the beta swam right up and buddied up to them. now they have their own 20gallon long tank instead of a 20gallon tall, that we got from a freind who's turtles died.
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Post Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:52 am   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

My turtle story is..........

We were at a Mexican redo fair and i saw a lady with a turtle ( I have always wanted a turtle) and I said mom I need a turtle! she was like "hahah what are you going to steel the turtle from the lady" me " I wish" we had just gotten done watching the mid evil show and were exiting the fair and i saw a turtle seller and i said "mom plz" she said "how much for it?" seller "20$ come with tank (the small plastic one) turtle and food" she said "OK" i was so happy. he said "which one you wan't" so i looked in the tank and there were many turtles swimming upagenst the glass wanting to get out then there was that one turtle in the corner just chilling staying away from the humans. And i said "him!". so the man rapped him in a plastic bubble and we drove home.

At that time i did know know @$%@% about turtles so i said " I will get off my @$$ and look it up. I found out how much it was to care for a turtle ( only had him for a week and just upgraded him to a 10 gallon tank yay) and so i set out to name him and i decided on Kurby and tho i have only had him for a week i love my baby cooter, Kurby so much :)
Izzy- 2.5 inch 1 year old cooter turtle
Rizzu- 1 inch 6 months old cooter turtle
Kurby-1.5 inch cooter turtle(R.I.P)
Rebble- 4 year old boxer dog

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Post Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:36 am   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

I find these RES to be very cute when I was young, but parents kept me from getting one because they said they transmit diseases. My first of getting a RES is when I was just about to start high school and bought a turtle my own after one of the turtles that I got from a person died from RI. The one I bought eventually died for no known reason, but it looks very boring from the time I brought that turtle home.

Two deaths to those two turtles. that is almost ten years ago and I gave it another try to really take care the turtles this time by hanging out in this forum and learning how to improve the setup to maintain the four turtles that I just got recently in chinatown, manhattan, NY. Keeping them could be expensive, but it keeps me active and it feels like I am a father of these turtles; giggle*.
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Post Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:42 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

When I first saw my turtle, I was 11 and on a field trip at school. All the kids had to have at least one partner so I chose my friend Kelsie. We were looking all around because I was originally the one who wanted a turtle, since my dad was about to get me a turtle that weekend but he said everything was too expensive but he didn't make the desision not to get the turtle fast enough because I had already fallen in love with one of the turtles. Pretty much love at first sight, so I was crushed when he said no. BUT I was determined to get a turtle. So me and Kelsie walked around as much of the pond as we could, and we brought both our lunchboxes so we could bring home our turtles (we planned on each of us getting one, but only I ended up with one). At the start of the search i found a big turtle basking on what I believe is a fallen tree but we couldn't get to him from where we are. So we tried to get there while searching for another turtle. Then Kelsie found a little baby turtle (that's Buddy!) sleeping on a bed of moss about an inch or two under water. She grabbed him and he started to get away but then she grabbed him again. I asked if I could keep him and she said okay. During school the week before my dad dropped off something for me and he saw a turtle on the road. He said he should of just picked up that turtle on the road for me so I had a feeling he wouldn't care if I brought home a turtle. I was wrong. He was happy because my turtle was small and he knew how sad I was about not getting a turtle since the one I would have gotten would need a big tank which costs more than a small one. I did tell him it was a baby and would get even bigger then the other one. I'm glad I didn't give it to kelsie because she would have put him in a tank that's too small for him and the only swimming water she would give him is in a tiny left-overs container that's only about and inch and a half tall. I'm not even sure if she had a UVB light. And don't even get me started on the gravel! And I don't even think she feeds him in the water. (I only know this because she Turtle-sat him while I was away because she HAD a turtle so I thought she would be able to care for it the best out of the people I know. I would have set up my tank there but she described her's differently then it really is) So now he is still an adorable little guy! (or girl, he's too small to tell)
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:22 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

My bf throws parties. His last party was successful. He'd been nagging me to get a dog for a straight month. I didn't want a pet. I'm allergic to furry things. He is extremely compulsive. He used to have a spider so we had a 40 gal tank, heaters, thermometers, and a little food dish. So he talked me into getting a turtle. We went to Pets Mart and there were two red-eared sliders and an African side-neck turtle in this little glass enclosure with a pre-formed pond. The employee showed us both turtles. One pulled it's head in, while Morla kept hers out and was very curious. I picked her. =)
We brought her home in a little box with holes in it (I still use it to bring them outside but Morla can now climb out of it when I set it down). We first thought she was a boy and named her Captain Spaulding (my bf loves evil clowns and House of 1000 Corpses is one of my favorite movies ). After doing research I found out she was probably a girl. She is a little character. She would follow our finger and this feather I have through the glass. Everytime I picked her up she'd try to bite me and hiss, sometimes so much she almost bit her own arm. I would leave her alone for a couple days then try again. I was discouraged because I thought she didn't like me. She seemed nicer to me after I figured out she was a girl and started calling her a girl instead of a boy. I had to find a cool girl turtle name. One of my favorite movies when I was a little girl was The Never Ending Story. I thought of the scene where they were in the Swamp of Sorrows and the climbed on that big turtle to ask it a question. I couldn't remember the turtles name so I asked my friend Google. It said the turtles name was Morla, The Ancient one. So that's how she got her name! =)

Well now we needed a Captain Spaulding. So my bf and I discussed getting a male turtle and possibly breeding them down the line. He wants a turtle pond in the backyard we don't have yet. Pets Mart only had that poor African side-necked turtle left (nobody wants him =( ) So I went over to Petco and they had a bunch of RES in a tank with a rock structure that was partially under water in the fish section. I watched them for awhile and looked at their nails. There had to be at least 10 turtles in didn't look to be that big of a tank. Most of them were stacked ontop of each other. Some were asleep in the corner. I wanted to make sure I was getting a male so I asked the gentleman at the front. He called someone over and it took awhile. The lady that helped me was this very robusk, short haired, older woman that didn't look very happy to be there. I asked her if they had any boy turtles. She told me."We're not allowed to sex the turtles." O.O I pointed to one with longer claws and said, "There, that one looks like a boy." She was asking me questions and every question seemed like she was discouraging me from buying a turtle. LOL I told her I'd be back later that day with my bf. After my bf got out of school we went and watched them for awhile. He suggested this darker looking one. I saw Captain Spaulding who was a pretty light green and said, "No I want that one. He matches Morla." We had different employee help us. I pointed to Captain Spaulding and said,"Is that a boy?" (I figured maybe the right question would get me the answer I needed) He picked Spaulding up, pulled back his tail, looked and said, "yep." So we took him home in the same little cardboard box they used for Morla (only it said Petco on it)

When we brought them home and introduced them, Morla went up to him and started that little fanning thing they do with their front claws. I thought they were mating already! YAY! LOL I later found out that a. they are too young to mate and b. that was Morla telling him who's boss! He's a very mellow turtle. He reminds me of Crush from Finding Nemo. Right off the bat we were able to handle without him getting stressed. He just pulls his limbs in his shell and looks around.

Now Morla loves me. I take them outside and she comes over to me. She'll climb on me and over me. Spaulding will run away from you instead of coming to you when you come near him if he's not just chillin' in the grass. Morla is the more dominant turtle. She's always pushing Captain Spaulding out of the way. He'll be sleeping and she'll just plow right into him. Morla is always up on the turtle dock all spread out, Captain Spaulding just sits at the edge of the ramp with this head out watching her. They're so cute and fun to watch. =) I never knew I'd be this into turtles.
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:01 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

The first time I saw Bratski, I thought he was dead.
I am an estimator for a contractor and we work on insurance losses. I work with my husband who owns the company. We were at a house on Valentines day earlier this year that had caught fire (a couple days prior to us arriving). The entire place was burned, especially the kitchen. The tenant had been evicted and when he finally got all of his stuff out, they think he set fire to the place. All that was left inside at the time of the fire was trash, a couple mattresses and some old clothes. I was walking through the dining area and saw a small 8"x8" baking dish on the floor with a small round black thing in it. when I bent down to take a closer look, I realized it was a small turtle. It was completely black, covered in soot, and just a shell. I said out loud to my husband and the insurance adjuster that was there "oh no, someone's pet turtle died in the fire, how sad". We went about our business for another hour or so, and I later returned to the area to take some pictures. So as not to trip or step on the dish, I gently pushed it into the corner with my foot and when it hit the wall, 4 feet and a head popped out of the little black shell. I yelled out loud again to anyone that could hear "oh my goodness! It's still alive!!!" No one seemed to really care much, but i announced to my husband "can we save him??" and he nodded. I left the dish in the same spot until we finished what we needed (a good 3 hours or so) and when it came time to leave I brought the dish outside. I had no idea what he was, what he needed or even how he was living before the fire, as there was no sign of an aquarium, habitat or even food. I poured water on him and cleaned the dish out as best I could and set him down on the driveway. The next 20 or so minutes he spent trying to get out of the dish. The last name of the man who owned the house (not the person who lived there and set it on fire) was Zebratski, I said to my husband 'this turtle is kind of an ungrateful jerk, here I saved his life and he wants to escape" to which my husband replied "you should name him Bratski, since he is being kind of a brat." We decided we had to take him straight to the pet store so that we could figure out what he was and if we would be able to take care of him. The pet lady told us what he was and what he needed and I was nervous, it sounded like a lot, so I said "We will keep him in the bathtub and see if anyone wants him, if not, we will bring him back here" because she said they could take him. My husband said no. He grabbed a 5 gallon tank, and basking rock, light and some food and we took him home. Over the past few months I have read up and this forum especially has really opened up my eyes to how easy it can be to mistreat these amazing animals. Last week we moved him into a 30 gallon with a Fluval filter and I am working on getting a better basking area. I am now in several hundred dollars on a "free" turtle I rescued and I think he will be a great life long friend.
This is what he looked like the day I found him (still in the baking dish) all of about 1.5" wide.
It was a few days before I tried using a soft brush on his shell to realize he was actually GREEN!
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Post Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:20 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

Oh my Carley. That turtle hit the jackpot with you and your husband :).
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Post Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:51 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

what a story carley! what's his size now?

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Post Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:04 am   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

They are the last 4 pets remaining in the aquarium when I first saw them. 4 of them shows tired and wasn't even wanted to move at all.
They are abandoned pets from a pet's store which had claimed bankrupt, and the owner was asking his cousin in a hand of help to give those every different kinds of pets away in 1 week. His cousin is my colleague, when he ask a help to me for adopting some of the pets, I agree it immediately and went to the store. Cats, dogs, fishes, reptiles and some of the famous pets had been adopted by other kind hearted people, but just these 4 little tortoise wasn't in their list.
So, I decided to adopt them and took them home.
And now, I found that is my pleasure to adopt them, watching them growing up healthily everyday. Feeding them really brighten my every morning~
Thanks to have them as my beloved pet, appreciate them very much.
Just a RES Lover.
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Post Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:12 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

dumbork14 wrote:what a story carley! what's his size now?

February we will have had him for a year. He looks to be about 4" now! I can not believe how fast he grew!
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:43 pm   Re:

N4784N R4613 wrote:I had no idea what I was doing when i got my two.(I had been to three other pet stores just trying to got some advice on the care of these turtles) They where all in a "built-in reptile unit," about 10-15 tanks all built into a cabinet type thing, with all different kind of reptiles. I was looking at all of these reptiles in there tiny 10-20 gallon tanks, when I saw one that was half full of water, with probably 20-25 sliders in there.(this was all before going to the other pet stores researching , this was the first time I had ever seen a captive turtle in a fish tank.)

These little guys where going at it!!! They had put a 3-4 inch fish in there, and these little 1 inch RES where tearing it apart!!!! I was just like, :shock: , I want one of those!!!! So we went around looking for info, and the best price, got all the supplies(or at least we thought we did, no one in three pet stores told us we needed a UVB bulb!!), went back, and asked for the smallest, most healthy one they had, and the guy said he would get lonely( :roll: which RES don't get lonely), so he talked us into another hatchling!! They put them in a fish bag with mostly air, and a little water, and sealed it up!!! I asked if they would suffocate in there, and the guy said,"Not if you open the bag within an hour." Luckily, we only lived 15 minutes from the pet store, I don't think they would have made it an hour!! :?

It's been a fun ride since then, got a job, found this site, bought a HUGE tank, and I now know that these amazing creatures, are so much more then fish eating monsters!!! :D :D :D

when i got mines, i was at this little side store thing near an elevator. the store sold fish and i barely noticed the turtles there until a bit of looking. the guy selling them was like, "buy two, it'll get lonely if theres only one." (:roll: turtles dont get lonely :roll:) anyways, i bought both of them and they came with this really small tank. since theyre hatchlings, they fit pretty well. im trying to find a spot in my house big enough for a 100 gallon tank (although i still have my hermit crab tank, they wont fit until adulthood.)
RIP (December 25- February 3)Aqua
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:30 pm   Re: What was your turtle doing when you saw him/her for the

AmazingAlex wrote:I don't know why but i am intrested in turtles since i was kid. One day i've walked to pet store and i saw there a baby res in small plastic box, with plastic isle and kinda tree on it.. Although turtle was small he was uncomfortable. When i came back home i was asking my parents weeks for this turtle and they finally decided to buy it for me :) . I was happy to receive new pet which i wanted and give him appropriate tank and living conditions. The first day i got him i named him Ralph (even though i didn't know he was male or female) - luckly male :D and he is still with me, going good , he has never been sick aswell. So we spent together happy 10 years and i wish he ll be with me atleast 40 years more!!

my turtles came with the same cage!!!!!!!! :shock:
RIP (December 25- February 3)Aqua
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